Our Story

Are you curious about how Mama Habesha came into being?
In recent years, the Habesha group in Europe has grown considerably. In East African cuisine, the product Tesmi is used for many dishes. In Europe, this is not readily available in the shops. The herbs are often brought from East Africa. Many mothers and grandmothers make this butter and the entire family comes along with a container so that they also have butter at home. This is how the idea of Mama Habesha came about.
The Netherlands is known as a dairy country and with that also the good quality of the butter. Because this is known worldwide, Dutch Tesmi is often taken to family and friends abroad. After all, the Dutch Tesmi is seen as the best Tesmi there is. But what if everyone could order it from home? That would make life a lot easier.
We deliver a piece of home to people. A bit of warmth, coziness and connection. For you but also all your loved ones. We spread the love of Mama Habesha. The smells and tastes of home. We also want to give people who are not yet familiar with the Habesha culture/dishes a warm welcome from Mama Habesha. After all, everyone is a child of Mama Habesha.